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Access our careers knowledge repository for invaluable insights to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of work.

Navigating Futures - Net Zero

As the race towards decarbonisation gains momentum, so are green careers emerging. If you’re looking for guidance on what skill you require, how to upskill or you simply just want a career change, this section provides tailored information to help you navigate the entire scope of the net-zero portfolio.

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Navigating Futures - Health and Care

This project will showcase how we’re working with partners to inspire more people to consider a career in health and care sector.

Labour Market Information (LMI) Toolkit

The subject of this toolkit is the role of labour market information for careers guidance, and the integration of labour market information into the delivery of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) within schools.

The target group of this LMI toolkit are career leaders and curriculum staff involved in careers guidance activities across the Hull and East Yorkshire.

The aim of the LMI toolkit is to:

  • Highlight the importance and relevance of LMI careers guidance.
  • To provide basic insights and examples.
  • To provide an overview of useful resources.
  • To contribute to the improvement of the quality of lifelong guidance.

We are looking forward to receiving any comment or suggestions from the toolkit readers.

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