The HEY LEP Economic Growth and Workforce Wellbeing Strategy provided the regional strategy for Hull and East Yorkshire, with a blueprint to drive economic growth and facilitate greater devolution of power and resources to the region. The strategy built upon the region’s economic strengths and prioritises the key elements to achieve its mission of the ensuring the residents of the region directly benefit from a more prosperous Hull and East Yorkshire.
The strategy clearly and distinctly set out the collective vision for the area, alongside four key priority areas for activity.
The strategy promoted the following vision for the HEY LEP region:
‘Leading the UK with a dynamic net-zero economy, Hull and East Yorkshire is a region with prosperous, productive, and innovative businesses, across all communities. Our diverse and resilient economy includes a skilled workforce across all key sectors with opportunities for all. We are home to high-quality services and facilities that meet the needs of our unique urban, coastal and rural geography, while supporting the health and wellbeing of everyone.’
In the period to the closure of the LEP it worked to deliver this strategy by focusing its partnership activity on four key priorities:
- Priority 1 – Productive & Innovative Economy – To stimulate business growth, increase productivity and employment by developing the conditions in the HEY LEP area for business to start ups, innovation, investment and trade.
- Priority 2 – Clean Growth Economy – To maximise opportunities to drive economic growth in green industries, whilst meeting decarbonisation targets. To be significantly lower carbon industrial cluster by 2030 and net carbon zero by 2040.
- Priority 3 – Skilled and Inclusive Economy – To lead the transformation of the HEY LEP regional skills profile, to deliver a highly skilled, healthy and productive workforce, reducing inequality and increasing life chances for our communities.
- Priority 4 – Competitive and Resilient Locations – To enhance the region’s infrastructure and natural assets so as to maximise the contribution to the HEY economy and generate competitive locations in which to invest, live and visit.
Priority 3 – “A skilled, healthy and inclusive workforce” focuses on human capital and addresses the workforce skills required to ensure the continued productivity of the HEY region.
The aim of this priority was to lead the transformation of the HEY LEP area skills profile, to deliver a highly skilled, healthy, and productive workforce, reducing inequality and increasing life chances for our communities.
To achieve this aim, the HEY LEP worked with partners to develop actions to deliver the key objectives:
• Driving higher level skills
• Upskilling and reskilling the workforce
• Embedding digital skills
• Delivering a green recovery through skills development
• Retaining and attracting young people
• Supporting labour market participation
• Matching out of work people with sectors with labour need
• Greater economic inclusion
• A healthy workforce
The HEY LEP developed an Employment & Skills Strategy which ran concurrently with the Economic Growth and Workforce Wellbeing Strategy and complimented the aims and objectives within it.
It provided a summary of the aims and objectives, policy context, respective targets, action plan and the logic flows that inform the monitoring and evaluation of our work.