Businesses are invited to drop in to the Business Funding and Support event.
The Hull and East Yorkshire (HEY) Growth Hub is hosting what is believed to be the largest in-person gathering of business support and funding providers in the region since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
With at least 14 separate schemes and organisations in attendance, the business funding and support drop-in event at Aura Innovation Centre on Wednesday 23 November will be one not to miss for local businesses looking for expert advice, cutting-edge guidance, and grant funding to help them grow.
Taking place from 8.00am to 1.00pm at the Aura facility at Bridgehead Business Park in Hessle, the free drop-in event will feature a marketplace of business support and funding providers. Businesses can come and hear the latest about grant funding availability, as well as meet providers of advice and guidance ranging from exporting and innovation, through to flood resilience to digital technology adoption, and much else besides.
Free light refreshment will be available for delegates to enjoy, who are invited to have informal chats with experienced Growth Hub business advisors to discuss their current business issues and growth objectives, as well as meet the organisations exhibiting on the day.
HEY LEP Growth Hub Manager Jon Brunton said: “Growth Hubs were originally set up to help simplify the ‘business support landscape’ for local businesses, so it is fitting that the Hull and East Yorkshire Growth Hub has coordinated this business funding and support drop-in event.
“We believe that this is the largest in-person gathering of business funding and support providers in the region since before the pandemic. Whilst we fully appreciate how busy business owners and leaders are, it will be really worth their while to visit the drop-in event to see how they can benefit from the range of business funding and support available in the region.”.
Gill Alton OBE, Chair of the HEY LEP’s Business Support Board said: “There is currently a wealth of funding and support available for businesses in the region, though we appreciate that the breadth of support can sometimes be overwhelming for business leaders. That’s why HEY LEP’s business Growth Hub has brought together many schemes and organisations, so that businesses can literally drop in and meet these providers all in one place, and all at the same time.
“Some of the funding and support schemes will come to a close in the 2023, so it is really vital that local businesses access this support and funding whilst it is still available.”
Attendees will be able to meet with the teams from:
- The HEY Growth Hub
- The Department for International Trade
- Sparkfund
- The Flood Innovation Centre
- Innovate Humber
- The Apprenticeship Hub
- The Federation of Small Businesses.
Attendees will also be able to learn more about schemes such as:
- The #GrowMySME Programme’s Business, Finance and IT Growth Schemes
- The HEY LEP Growing Places Fund
- The Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme
- The Humber Internship Programme
- The Business Scale Up Programme
The event is free to attend for businesses in Hull and East Yorkshire, and over 70 delegates have already booked their place. Registration is not mandatory, but it is recommended. For more information and to book your place, please visit the HEY Growth Hub website: www.heygrowthhub.com/event/business-funding-support-drop-in-event.