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The scheme is to provide a large Flood Alleviation Scheme that reduces the flood risk in an economically achievable standard with ranges established by sensitivity testing.

The Target standard will be 1% Annual Exceedance Probability with a 30% allowance for climate change (1:100 year + 30% CC Standard of Protection). This will be refined with sensitivity testing that shall take into account climatic antecedents and other factors.

Subject to detailed options appraisal in line with the Detra approved national standards using the ‘Flood Hazard Research Centre- Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management- A Manual for Economic Appraisal of Flood Risk.’ The preferred option will include one or all of the following components:

  1. Construction of a series of large flood storage areas, approximately 300,000m³
  2. Construction of new ancillary engineering works
  3. Construction of real time flow control apparatus

The intervention area centres on the rainfall run-off from the geographical features known as the Raywell Valley. This is an area of approx 1500 Ha that presents peak flood flows to Cottingham and the City in excess of 6,000 l/s as was seen in 2007. Because the urban drainage system in the city has a finite drainage capacity this becomes quickly overwhelmed causing significant flooding to properties and business. This scheme will take approximately 4000 properties out of flood risk to the target design standard.

This scheme is complimentary to two other neighbouring flood alleviation schemes, being the Willerby Derringham Flood Alleviation Scheme and the Anlaby and East Ella Flood Alleviation Scheme. All three schemes working in unison have a combined beneficial effect on the urban drainage system that has a finite capacity as it relies on pumped operation.



Project Dates

July 7, 2017 - September 30, 2020

Project Sponsor

East Riding of Yorkshire Council


Village of Cottingham and Orchard Park within the City of Hull, HU16,5,6


Profiled Achieved overall – up to end of Q4 22/23
LGF Spend £  5,000,000.00 £  5,000,000.00
Public Spend £16,237.000.00 £12,992,112.00


  Profiled Achieved overall – up to end of Q4 20/21
Safeguarded jobs 33.3 33
Apprenticeships 25 25
Construction jobs 75 139
Area of land with reduced flood risk (ha) 233 233
Number of domestic properties with reduced flood risk 5,741 5,741
Commercial floor space with reduced flood risk (m2) 113,416 113,416

Approval Status

Business case approved

Delivery Status


View project homepage

Last updated: July 2, 2024

All locations are approximate.

An infrastructure that supports growth
An infrastructure that supports growth
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