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The project is designed to facilitate the development of the remaining 12 acres (5 hectares) of land  at Henry  Boot Way in West Hull (6 sites) of which approximately 8.5 acres of land are within the Enterprise Zones.

There are four proposed development schemes identified within Henry Boot Way. Currently the road network is close to capacity especially at peak times and the proposed development of these sites is predicted to generate additional car borne trips that would lead to increasing congestion on the network. This would result in traffic queuing on the slip roads and backing onto the Strategic Highway Network (A63) significantly increasing the risk of accidents occurring. Highways England is seeking the introduction of highway improvements to mitigate the impact of the predicted development traffic and to minimise the potential accident risk.

Project Dates

April 1, 2018

Project Sponsor

Hull City Council


Priory Park, Hull


Profiled Achieved overall up to end of Q4 23/24
LGF Spend £1,439,899.00 £1,439,899.00
Public Spend £    359,974.00 £4,647,811.00


  Profiled Achieved overall – up to end of Q4 23/24
New roads (Km) 0.441 0.441
Area of land reclaimed/redeveloped or reassembled (ha) 4.89 4.89

Approval Status

Business case approved

Delivery Status


Last updated: July 1, 2024

All locations are approximate.

An infrastructure that supports growth
An infrastructure that supports growth
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